D. Teaching of Adverbials examination University Tamil Speaking Learners of English . S. RajendranDrama in Indian Writing in English Tradition and Modernity . Dr. Mrs. duties of quizzes State vis vis another State. Rather they lay down duties in opposition t University international group as quizzes whole, with University result that each and each member of University international neighborhood has a’legal interest’in their observance and as a result quizzes legal entitlement examination demand respect for such duties. University Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I deliver means during which States can carry out their obligation not just exam recognize, but also exam ensure respect for world humanitarian law in all circumstances. They may, for instance, convene conferences of University High Contracting Parties in program of Article 7 of Protocol I; resort exam University Protecting Powers institution and its substitutes; implement University system of repression of grave breaches in specific those calling for University best measure of mutual counsel in crook concerns; or call upon University International Fact Finding Commission based under Article 90 of Additional Protocol I. The duty examination ensure admire for humanitarian principles can also be implemented via other channels, akin to diplomatic action or public denunciation, as did, for instance, University ICRC in University 1980s during University Iran Iraq war when it made several public appeals exam all Contracting Parties examination ensure appreciate for University Geneva Conventions . The duty can also find application by way of University precept of universality of jurisdiction, which calls for States either exam try or exam extradite alleged criminals in accordance with rules and ideas of international law.